Happy May to my AMAZING Royal City!!! With the weather slowwwly getting warmer, it’s time to get that Spring Cleaning out of the way and get ready to welcome Summer with open arms and bare toes!
As most of you know already, one of my FAVORITE parts of being YOUR Guelph REALTOR® Krystal Moore is that I get to connect with AMAZING business people here in Guelph! While you are getting ready for Spring Cleaning, take a minute to reach out to one of these fabulous people for their help and awesome expertise!
1. LAURIE SCOTT, Landscape Designer and Horticulturalist
Get in touch with Laurie to talk about reviving your garden OR reviving your health! Laurie can help you make your garden look fantastic AND help you look fantastic at the same time! Did you know that the OLYMPIC ATHLETES use USANA?? And so does YOUR Guelph REALTOR® Krystal Moore 🙂
laurieannscott@gmail.com ~ 519-831-7431
2. CHRIS DAMAREN, Da Maren Renovations
Chris can help you turn your home renovation dreams into REALITY!
Chris@DaMarenRenovations.ca ~ 519-362-1020
3.CORTNEY HANSEN, Mobile Mortgage Specialist with RBC
Cortney can help you with all of your home financing needs – talk to her today about the amazing promotions RBC has for YOU this Spring and Summer!
Cortney.Hansen@rbc.com ~ 519-841-4349
4, MARTA VANEGAS, Residential Cleaning Service
Marta is amazing to talk with and will help with the part of Spring Cleaning that none of us are very good at – the ‘CLEANING’ part 🙂
Lisa is the brother you never knew you had and she can help you with all of those things that keep getting moved to the bottom of your to do list!
yourbrotherlisa@yahoo.ca ~1-416-737-3211
For more information about this and other Real Estate topics in Guelph, or to set up a free no obligation consultation, please get in touch for Moore today! Kmoore@rlproyalcity.com or 519-400-8394. I’m looking forward to your call and to getting to know each other!
Krystal Moore, Sales Representative
Royal Lepage Royal City Realty, Brokerage
Independently Owned and Operated
214 Speedvale Ave. W.
Guelph, ON N1H 1C4
Phone: 519-821-6191
Direct: 519-400-8394
Email: Krys@Krystalmoore.com
Email: Kmoore@rlproyalcity.com
Why choose Krystal?
I have over 16 years’ experience in Sales and Customer Service, I am motivated, dedicated
and have a solid background in law. I consistently go above and beyond to make my clients
feel important, valued and appreciated!
Want to know Moore?
twitter: @Krys_Guelph
Landscape Designer and Horticulturalist