Coronavirus. Covid-19. Pandemic. Unprecendented times. Social Distancing. Self-Isolation.

These have been the mainstream topics in the news for all of March 2020 and were scattered here and there in the early months of this new year.
And, if you happen to have an active email account, it’s more than likely that your inbox has been FLOODED with emails from every company you have ever done business with. Ever. And all to give you their strategy for dealing with this unprecedented situation.

Even I have messaged my database. First with some helpful and fun tips on what to do at home when Quarantined, and then with a helpful real estate market update from Dr. Lawrence Yun of the National Association of Realtors in the United States.

And many of us are asking, for the love of all that is good in the World: WHAT is going on with the empty shelves that used to be overflowing with packages of toilet paper and hand sanitizer? What is going ON??
When people panic, they grasp onto any form of safety or security they can, And if the law of supply and demand tells us anything, it’s that you can sell out of anything FAST if people believe that there won’t be any more or that they will be forced to remain in their homes with whatever supplies they have managed to hang on to.
And the emails?
If a company does NOT address the issue, when the dust settles, there will be a narrative out there that says that they simply did not care. They were not on top of the situation. They are out of touch.
If a company DOES email us, it’s better for their image if that reach out does NOT include a sales pitch. Taking advantage of this situation would be the wrong move. And yet, there will always be those out there who feel they are being the picture of capitalism and entrepreneurialism.
Those who buy up ALL the hand sanitizer and toilet paper and re-sell it in the parking lot, leaving our families and senior citizen population to look hopelessly at the empty shelves and not know what to do about it.

I am so grateful to live in Canada and in Ontario. In a place that calls out those immoral souls (who would otherwise win innovative sales awards if not for the pandemic) and in a community who, for the most part, are just trying to do their part.
We are also incredibly lucky that we are still able to GET emails from all of these companies.
We are a generation that has not had to deal with anything HARD. We have not had to witness mass executions or imprisonment, World wars or famine. We have been forced INTO our warm, cozy homes (most of us) and asked to stay there. To watch movies, read books, stay away from other people and keep the whining to a minimum while the World tries to deal with this disaster of a virus that came from the other side of the World but is now ravaging the West.
Over 36,000 people have died from this virus in the few short months that Covid-19 has been in our lives and over 3/4 of a million people have been diagnosed with it. And the numbers are going up every hour.
What can we do??
Reach out to loved ones, take this time, this pause as a blessing and do something productive with it. Read a book, watch a documentary, get an online designation, connect with family and friends over Zoom or FaceTime, write notes and mail them (remember MAIL?!), take time to love yourself through the fear and, above all, remember, that this too shall pass.
Everyone deals with it differently. Do not fade into the darkness but come out and play in the light of hope for a tomorrow that will NOT be the same, but may just be better than you could have imagined.

We will endure. This has not been the first time, or the last time, that a virus or an illness has tried to take us out. And we will find a way to beat it because we have been blessed with extraordinary minds, medicine, technology and love for one another.
Be kind to your neighbours – in distance and online. We are all dealing with this in our own way.

Let’s keep going and remember that we are ALL in this together.
I am Committed to making a difference in the lives of those around me…I am YOUR #HomeSweetHome 519 REALTOR® Krystal Lee Moore 🙂
Krystal Lee Moore, Real Estate Broker
Royal Lepage Royal City Realty, Brokerage
Independently Owned and Operated
Direct: 519-400-8394
Why choose Krystal?
My passion is helping people and giving back to the community and consistently go above and beyond to make my clients feel important, valued and appreciated!
I have over 20 years’ experience in Sales and Customer Service.
I am motivated, dedicated and have a solid background in law.
Want to know Moore?
twitter: @KrystalLeeMoore
*Staging by Higgins Home Staging
*Photos by Hans Zegerius