When we have GOALS, whether real estate or otherwise, it’s easy to lose sight of them or even to lose track. Sometimes, when the mood strikes us, we can think of amazing goals that we have had for years: Oktoberfest in Germany, Snorkelling in Australia, learning another language, owning a home, owning a cottage, becoming a snowbird*, learning to play guitar…and on and on.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thO8GGBJqqQ&w=560&h=315]
Here are some helpful tips to help you turn your GOALS into REALITY:
1. Create a VISION BOARD – Create a Vision Board with pictures of what you want to achieve, and glance at it regularly. Don’t worry if your dreams seem far-fetched at first. Dreams require you to do what you’ve never done, to go where you’ve never gone!3.
2. Anticipate Obstacles – Think of all the factors that may disrupt your dreams – thoughts such as, “I can’t afford it”, or “We’re too busy.”. As your write your goals, acknowledge your circumstances and plan accordingly.
3. Set Actionable Goals – Write down steps to help you achieve each goal, like putting away $50 extra each month in a travel fund or getting a passport. Finally, determine by what age or date you will achieve these goals to add urgency.
Why wait to do something when you can do it right now? An effective “bucket list” contains goals that you want to accomplish in your lifetime, not at one set time. Create your bucket list, and use it as your motivation to act on your dreams now!
Where I want to go
What I want to do
Things I’d Like to Achieve
If you have any questions about this, or about buying, selling or renting in Guelph or London, Ontario, I am always happy to guide you through the process and look forward to connecting soon.
I am Committed to making a difference in the lives of those around me…I am YOUR #HomeSweetHome REALTOR® Krystal Lee Moore 🙂
Krystal Lee Moore, Real Estate Broker
Royal Lepage Royal City Realty, Brokerage
Independently Owned and Operated
Direct: 519-400-8394
Email: Krys@Krystalmoore.com
Email: Krystalleemoore@royallepage.ca
Why choose Krystal?
My passion is helping people and giving back to the community and consistently go above and beyond to make my clients feel important, valued and appreciated!
I have over 20 years’ experience in Sales and Customer Service.
I am motivated, dedicated and have a solid background in law.
Want to know Moore?
twitter: http://www.Twitter.com/KrystalLeeMoore